
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy explains how we handle your personal data at Greenlytica.com.

Data Controller
The legal entity responsible for processing your personal data is:

CVR: 30372352
Søskrænten 34
8260 Viby J

Email: hej@greenlytica.com
Phone: +45 28 94 68 00

Processing of Personal Data

Contact Form
When you fill out our contact form, we collect the following information:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

We use this information solely to contact you.

Your Rights
You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data at any time. To exercise this right, please contact us at hej@greenlytica.com or +45 28 94 68 00.

Greenlytica.com is committed to complying with established guidelines for handling cookies and personal data.

When you visit Greenlytica.com, your device automatically receives cookies.

It is not a requirement from Greenlytica.com that your device accepts cookies. If you prefer to disable cookies, you can find instructions on how to partially or fully block them by clicking here.

What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer by Greenlytica.com, enabling us to recognize your device during future visits. A cookie is a passive file and cannot transmit viruses or other harmful software.

The lifespan of a cookie depends on its purpose. Some cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser, while others remain until manually removed. You can learn more about deleting cookies here.

How Greenlytica.com Uses Cookies
Greenlytica.com does not place cookies directly on your device; however, some of the tools we use do.

We use Google Analytics to track visits, page views, and user interactions on our website.