How to Start Writing an Article: A Journey of Inspiration

Finding inspiration to kick off an article can feel like waiting for rain in a desert. You might push it off endlessly, waiting for that elusive spark of an idea.

But here’s the thing: the most important step is simply to start. Inspiration often comes after you begin, not before. Think of it like a faucet. If you stand there waiting for someone else to turn it on, you might wait forever. But when you take the initiative and turn it yourself, water flows immediately.

So, hit the gas—right now!

The Journey Begins

Starting to write is like setting off on a road trip. It’s almost guaranteed that your first direction won’t be perfect. You might need to navigate out of your driveway, through your neighborhood, and across half the city before you reach the highway where you can really pick up speed.

Writing is the same. Begin, even if it feels clunky. You’ll find your rhythm as you go.

14 Tips for Writing an Engaging Article

  1. Use clear, engaging language. Paint pictures with words to evoke feelings and atmosphere in your reader. Avoid unnecessary jargon, but don’t shy away from well-explained expert terms. This is what the pros call storytelling.
  2. Write articles of substance. Aim for 600+ words; ideally, go beyond 1,000. If you can maintain interest, articles around 2,500 words perform best on Google.
  3. Don’t worry about typos or grammar at first. Let your creativity flow freely. Editing comes later.
  4. Stop waiting for inspiration! You’ll invite it by starting to write. The act of writing often triggers ideas and insights.
  5. Keep paragraphs short. Stick to 2-3 lines per paragraph to make the text easy to read.
  6. Focus on substance. Don’t write a thin, shallow article. No one wants fluff unless they’re trapped in a prison cell with nothing else to read. Do your research to add depth.
  7. Present balanced arguments. Include both supporting and opposing viewpoints to make your piece more credible and engaging. This appeals to skeptics in your audience. Think of it as winning over “swing states.”
  8. Structure your narrative like a story. Start with a vivid image, then explain it, and conclude with an insight or “aha” moment that leaves readers satisfied.
  9. Use subheadings. These break up the text and make your article easier to navigate.
  10. Don’t hard-sell. Readers hate feeling like they’ve been tricked into reading an advertisement. Focus on entertaining or informing them.
  11. Write with authority. Pretend you’re a journalist from The Washington Post or a professor in your field. Position yourself as an expert with exclusive knowledge. (If your blog has an About Me section, make sure it highlights your experience.)
  12. Link to reputable sources. Adding 1-2 external references enhances your article’s credibility.
  13. Invite readers to sign up for your newsletter. This helps you build a loyal audience and drive traffic to future articles.
  14. End with a call to action (CTA). This isn’t about selling but inspiring action: “Read more here,” “Download this free resource,” or “Click this link.”

Make Your Article an Adventure

Think of your article as a mountain hike for your readers. You’re the guide leading them to the peak. The trail shouldn’t be too steep (or readers might give up) or too flat (or they’ll get bored). Keep them motivated with promises of a breathtaking view at the top.

Can You Write About Different Topics on Your Blog?

It depends on your blog’s theme. If your site is called “Hanne’s Recipes,” it’s wise to stick to recipes as your main focus. If it’s “Carrot Recipes,” your niche is even narrower.

But if your blog is called “Jytte’s Life,” then Jytte herself is the theme. That gives you the freedom to explore anything Jytte thinks, feels, or does.

The key is to write with authenticity and consistency. Whatever your focus, make it engaging enough that readers want to follow along for the journey.

The Journey to Finding Your Audience

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Skribentens bedste værktøj.

They say you need to know your audience. And sure, there’s truth in that. But when you’re just starting out, writing your very first article, chances are you don’t have a clear idea of who your target audience is. And that’s perfectly okay.

Just write your article. Do your best work. Create something you’re proud of. Your audience will emerge, often including subgroups you never expected.

When I wrote my first Men’s Book, I had no idea so many women would find it intriguing!

Publishing Your Article: What Happens Next

You’ve done it. You’ve written your article and posted it on your website. You sit back, waiting for readers to pour in. But nothing happens.

Unless you’re already famous, people won’t just stumble across your content.

Here’s where the work begins:

  • Share a link to your article on Facebook, both on your personal profile and your business page.
  • Join relevant groups and post your article there, inviting others to engage.
  • Don’t forget Pinterest! Create an eye-catching image and pin your article on a board. Pinterest links are permanent and offer long-term visibility.
  • Twitter works differently. Here, you can repost the same article multiple times, experimenting with different angles or headlines to attract diverse audiences.

As your posts move down your feed over time, don’t hesitate to repost your article with a fresh caption or image. Encourage your followers to share it if it resonates with them.

Taking It to the Next Level: Nerding Out

Want to reach even further? It’s time to get a little creative and technical:

  • Forums and communities: Write a shorter version of your article or participate in relevant threads on platforms like Reddit or Quora. Link to your article as a helpful resource, but only if it fits naturally into the discussion. Avoid spamming—people appreciate genuine contributions.
  • Comment on blogs: Find blogs in your niche, leave thoughtful comments, and include a link to your article or website. If the blog’s topic closely aligns with your article, link directly to it. Otherwise, link to your homepage.

And then there’s the holy grail: backlinks. If you can get a link to your article from another website that gets regular Google traffic, you’ll quickly gain visibility. The more backlinks, good articles, and visitors you attract, the more Google takes notice.

Working With Google: SEO and Beyond

Make sure your site is search-engine-friendly.

  • Sign up for Google Search Console to submit your sitemap and request indexing.
  • Use Google Ads Keyword Planner to discover terms people search for that relate to your article. Weave these keywords naturally into your content to make it easier for readers to find you.

The more your site evolves and grows, the more often Google will visit it, improving your search rankings.

Pitch Perfect: Reaching Out

Find online magazines or blogs that might be interested in your article. Reach out to them. Some may say no today, and no again next week. But what if they say yes in a month because they’ve started following your blog after your initial pitch?

Persistence pays off. One solid “yes” can open up a world of opportunities.

The Power of Storytelling

Great articles do more than share information; they tell a story. When you weave storytelling into your work, you engage readers on a deeper level.

Over time, this strategy builds your authority in your niche. More readers mean more credibility. Google notices the traffic and boosts your rankings, creating a positive feedback loop:

  1. Quality content attracts readers.
  2. Readers signal relevance to search engines.
  3. Higher rankings bring even more readers.

It’s a virtuous cycle that can eventually land you at the top of Google’s search results.

Your Reward: Freedom and Recognition

Picture this: You’re lounging on a tropical beach. The sun warms your skin as a server brings you a cold drink. With your laptop open, you casually write a new article—not because you have to, but because you enjoy it.

Your blog now generates income while you sleep. Even after taxes, there’s more than enough for you, your children, and even your grandchildren.

When the day winds down, you take a refreshing swim in the ocean. As you gaze out at your 210-foot yacht, you know the chef is preparing an extraordinary dinner for you and your friends.

And all of this started with a single article and the determination to share your voice with the world.

So, why wait? Start today. Your dream life begins with the very first step.

Sådan skriver du et blogindlæg

By David Fonsbo

Übernörd and Digital Dictator. I've been working in the IT industry since the days of punch cards. I’ll fix your website so it actually shows up on Google. I also make music and write books—mostly about men, but I dabble in novels too. Google’s AI? It’s basically a modded version of my brain.


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